Tuesday, May 15, 2012


it's t-minus 2 months
until the best day 
of my life

here are some more 
lovely details 
for what is to come

 something for the tables

to hang in the tent, at the head table

my ideal tent

or something like this
doughnuts for dessert?

for my love


hey oh!

so as time rolls on 
our wedding comes closer
i've noticed my 
lovely collection
of knick knacks
 & do-dads
hanging out on my dresser..

i thought they looked pretty cool

what do you think?

hoards of lia sophia jewels,
 my fave clutch, 
my new fragrance-kate spade "twirl, 
some nerd things (books), 
& my michael kors wallet. 
if you look close
(up to the left, in the silver box)
it's my hair clip i'll be wearing 
on my wedding day :)

just a little niblet
hope you didn't mind

Saturday, May 5, 2012

lazy saturday

today is gorgeous

the sun is up
the sky is blue
its beautiful
so are you

here's my lazy saturday
perfect for errands
& a sushi dinna

rockin some stripes

an olive cardi

and cropped, ripped, white denim


i tried something new
with my mop of a head

what do you think?